Tuesday, June 10, 2008

You Shall Be Satisfied; Message by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

He makes peace in your borders, and fills you with the finest wheat.
(Psalm 147:14)

Beloved! The Lord takes great delight in making peace within your borders and filling you with the finest wheat.

The Bible says, “He makes peace in your borders, and fills you with the finest wheat” (Psalm 147:14).

The Bible says the Lord blessed the five loaves of bread and two fish and fed five thousand people. As He took the loaves of bread in His hands and gave thanks to God, it increased and He blessed them. Further, it says that they all ate and were filled” (Matthew 14:15-21).

When the blessings of the Lord make you go through this experience of increase, you will surely be filled in your lives. When the Lord blesses you, the anointing of the Lord will descend on you! Then, the river of divine peace will overflow in your life! Along with it, you will also have the experience of increase in your lives.

Jesus Christ was not complacent with the miracle of feeding the five thousand people but told His disciples to gather the fragments that remained. The disciples gathered twelve baskets full of fragments. In addition to the great miracle, each disciple got a basket full of fragments for himself!

Beloved! When you enable people to receive blessings of the Lord, He shall cause your basket to be full of blessings. Your basket shall overflow with blessings. Further, the Lord says, “Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river…like a flowing stream” (Isaiah 66:12).

Yes, the Lord Jesus Christ will bless you abundantly and will fill you with peace. He will feed you with the finest wheat and every good thing. You will not lack any good thing but your basket shall overflow with the goodness of the Lord.


Loving Lord Jesus,

I praise You that You are an awesome miracle worker. Lord, I thank and praise You for the promise that You would bless me with peace in my borders and that You would fill me with the finest wheat. Bless my life abundantly. Help me to enable people to taste of Your love and goodness. Bless their lives too with abundance of Your goodness. Let Your unfailing love and mercy follow me all the days of my life. I give You all glory, honour and praise.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In Jesus name I pray Amen! Amen! Amen! God bless you and thank you for visiting my blog. To God be the glory alone. Grace and Peace