Saturday, April 5, 2014



 READ THIS VERY SLOWLY. Before you read this, make sure that you have some time to Spend Alone with Jesus, just You and Jesus. FIRST, ASK JESUS TO REVEAL His Love and His Grace for You. Then, read through it slowly and look up the Bible verses, ALLOWING JESUS TO SPEAK TO YOU. Jesus WANTS to speak to you. Jesus WANTS to Reveal Himself to you, because He Loves you so much. Jesus LOVES YOU, NOT because of what you do or do not do! Jesus LOVES YOU because of WHO HE IS! Jesus IS LOVE.


 Being born-again is being born alive in your spirit. When you were born as a baby, you were born alive in your flesh, but your spirit is dead. When you are born-again, you are born in spirit. Your spirit becomes alive. Jesus makes you a New Creation in Him. Jesus washes you completely pure and clean of ALL YOUR SINS; all your past, all your present, and all your future sins. You are no longer a Sinner in the eyes of God the Father, you are a Saint, a Holy one, because you have GIVEN YOUR LIFE to His Beloved Son Jesus for Jesus to use for HIS PLAN for your life. Jesus will kill your Old Sin Nature and give you a New Godly Nature. You will be born of God. Jesus will clothe you in HIS ROBE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, immediately and forevermore! Jesus will give you a New Heart that desires Jesus and His Good Things instead of the things of the world, the flesh (man's corrupt nature), and the devil that destroy you.

 When you TRULY GIVE YOUR LIFE TO JESUS for Him to use for HIS PLAN FOR YOU, you will Meet Jesus Christ. If you do not Personally Know Jesus, then you are NOT born-again. To be born-again, you must Seek Jesus. “'I know the plans that I have for you', says the Lord, 'plans for good and not for evil, plans to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will SEEK ME and FIND ME when you SEEK ME with all your Heart'.” (Jeremiah 29:11-13)

 TO BE BORN-AGAIN: You must REPENT OF BEING YOUR OWN LORD. YOU NEED TO ADMIT to Jesus that YOU have been Running Your Life and Sinning Against Him. Admit to Jesus that you have been your own Lord. Admit to Jesus that you have been looking to the world for your life and have been trying to fulfill your desires on your own. Tell Jesus that you no longer want to be your own Lord..Tell Jesus that you want to turn away from the kind of life that you have been living. Ask Jesus to TAKE OVER RUNNING YOUR LIFE from now on. Tell Jesus that you want to live WHATEVER LIFE HE HAS PLANNED FOR YOU with Jesus as your LORD.

 TELL JESUS THAT YOU SURRENDER YOUR LIFE TO HIM FOR HIM TO USE FOR HIS PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE. ASK Jesus to come into your heart and be your Lord and Savior from now on.

 "I stand at the door (of your heart) and knock. If any man hears my voice and opens the door, I will come into him and feast with him, and he will feast with me." (Revelation 3:20)

 SURRENDER YOUR LIFE to Jesus Christ, Your Creator, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, God the Son who payed God the Father for ALL YOUR SINS on the Cross with His Innocent Shed Blood BECAUSE HE LOVES YOU SO MUCH!

 Let Jesus into your Heart. Let Jesus love you and take care of your every need from now on. Jesus WANTS to be Your Lord and Savior. Jesus is Waiting for You to ASK HIM to be Your Lord. Jesus is Pure Love and Pure Grace. Jesus is the Good Shepherd. Jesus will only give you what is good for you, because He loves you so very much. Jesus will make you a NEW CREATION in Him. “I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me..” (Galatians 2:20)

 Then: Ask Jesus to reveal Himself to you. Ask Jesus to reveal His Truth to you. Ask Jesus to reveal His LOVE FOR YOU PERSONALLY to you. Then start reading the Gospel of John. (Matthew, Mark, Luke, 'John') JESUS WILL HANDLE THE REST. (Once I started looking for Jesus, SEEKING HIM, it took three weeks till He came to me and I gave my life to Him. You may meet Him immediately upon asking Him to be your Lord and Savior, or it may be a little bit till you meet Jesus, and KNOW that you are born-again. When you are born-again, the Holy Spirit will come into your spirit and witness to you that you are Born-again.) Continue to ask Jesus to reveal Himself to you and read the Bible. You will meet Jesus in HIS perfect time.

 Jesus has been waiting for you to surrender your life to Him so that He can give you His 'Abundant Life' in His Love and His Grace for you. Jesus has The Perfect Plan for your life. He wants you to have your True Life In Him. “Whoever saves his life for his own desires will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My Sake and the Gospel's will save it (will find his True Life on earth and receive Eternal Life in Heaven). For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, but lose His Eternal Life. For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of Man (Jesus) also be ashamed when He comes in the Glory of His Father with the holy angels.” (Mark 8:35, 37-38)

 Asking Jesus to be your Lord and Savior, truly surrendering your life to Jesus for Him to use for the purpose that HE PLANNED for you when He created you, IS THE BEST DECISION THAT YOU CAN EVER MAKE IN THIS LIFETIME AND FOR ALL ETERNITY!

 Jesus is a Gentleman. He waits for you to ASK. Jesus waits for you to ASK HIM to be the Lord of your life and your Savior. Jesus has been right beside you your entire life, waiting for you to ASK HIM to be your Lord and Savior.

 Once you truly give your life to Jesus, you will Meet Him. Jesus will manifest Himself to you. Jesus wants a Personal and Intimate Relationship with YOU! God the Son Jesus payed God the Father for ALL your sins because He does not want your sins to separate you from Him. Jesus wants you to be His, because He LOVES YOU SO MUCH! Jesus died on the Cross so that you can be born-again SINLESS in your new pure spirit, and live with Him for all Eternity. Jesus says, “Come to me, all who are weary and heavy burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30) Jesus is the Light and Easy Yoke of Grace. Grace is UnEarned and UnDeserved Favor Toward YOU.

 WHY DO YOU HAVE TO SURRENDER YOUR LIFE TO JESUS? BECAUSE JESUS GIVES YOU A NEW ONE. Will you repent of being your Own Lord? You are in the Sin of Unbelief in Jesus as LORD until you give Him your life. Jesus has a Perfect Plan for your life, but you had to give it to Him first. The only sin that sends a man to the Lake of Fire for all Eternity is the Sin of Unbelief in Jesus as LORD of your life. Jesus already paid for every other sin on the Cross.


 Jesus wants you to SPEND TIME ALONE with Him in His Word so that He can REVEAL HIMSELF TO YOU. Jesus wants to build your and His Relationship. The more that you KNOW JESUS PERSONALLY, the more you will know how very much He Loves You. The more you personally and intimately know Jesus, the more you will trust Him and the greater your faith in Him will be. EVERYTHING is about your and Jesus' Relationship. It is not “Knowing ABOUT JESUS”, it is Knowing Jesus Personally. You cannot be His Witness if you do not know Him. You will only be able to 'Play Church”. YOU SEEK JESUS FIRST, and Jesus will make everything else in your life 'fall into place' according to His Perfect Plan for you. Jesus will make your path straight when He is FIRST IN YOUR LIFE.

 Jesus wants to reveal Himself to you! As you give Him your time, spending time alone with Him in His Word, JUST YOU AND JESUS, allowing Him to speak to you, Jesus will reveal His love for 'You Personally' to you. His Unconditional, Agape Love in your heart will transform your heart, mind, and soul. Jesus will transform you into what He created you to be. “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, (by spending time with Jesus in His Word) so that you may prove what is the good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.” (Romans 12:2) JESUS will do HIS WORK in you and HIS WORK through you as you Behold Him. Jesus will speak to you through His Word, His Supernatural Living Word, right into your heart. Sometimes you will hear His voice. “My sheep hear my voice and I know them...” (John 10:27) His Voice is the most Beautiful, Lovely, Kind, and Compassionate Voice there could ever be. His voice is, also, Almighty Power.

 The Bible is Bread for our soul/spirit! This world, and everything in it, gets its dust on our feet. satan eats dust. We need to be WASHED by Water of the Word! Whenever you can, (I usually do it before I go to bed, but many people like to do it when they first awaken) Open your Bible and ask Jesus to Reveal His Love and His Grace to you. HE WILL. He Wants To!

 Jesus will build your and His Relationship to be so strong that no matter where you are, or what is going on in your life or in this world, you will KNOW He is with you. As you know Jesus more and more, He will do HIS WORK through you more and more.


 True Christianity is NOT following a bunch of rules. Being a born-again Believer is having a Personal, One-on-one relationship with Jesus Christ! Jesus wants you to KNOW HIM PERSONALLY! This is how very important you are to Him. The Song of Solomon illustrates the Love Relationship that Jesus wants with YOU. Jesus is the King. You are His Beloved Bride. You and Jesus in Love. Jesus died on the Cross to take away ALL your sins so that your sins would not separate you from Him!

 Jesus IS GRACE. Grace is UnEarned and UnDeserved Favor toward you. Jesus does EVERYTHING by Grace. Jesus does HIS WORK in us and HIS WORK through us according to HIS PLAN for us, for His Good Pleasure. Jesus is the Light Yoke of Grace, not the heavy burden of the Law and self-efforts. We just surrender our life, and our each day, to His plan for us, which is always our best possible life!

 Only what is produced by Grace will remain eternally. Anything you do apart from Jesus will not last. "I am the Vine. You are the branches. He who remains in me, and I in him, bears much fruit. For apart from me, you can do NOTHING!" (John 15:5) The branch BEARS the fruit; the branch does NOT PRODUCE THE FRUIT, JESUS DOES. If Grace, Jesus Christ, does not produce HIS good work through you, then your 'good works' are actually 'dead works of your flesh' and they have no Eternal Value.

 Jesus already has EVERYTHING mapped out. Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega. He knows the end from the beginning and every minute in between. Jesus has prepared Good Works for you to walk in; good works that He prepared beforehand that are suited to His Great Plan of drawing the most people to Himself to be born-again. “For we are HIS WORKMANSHIP, created in Christ Jesus for good works which GOD HAS PREPARED BEFOREHAND for us to do.” (Ephesians 2:10) Jesus has the Perfect Plan for You. The Good Shepherd will get you where you need to be everyday. Jesus will GLORIFY HIMSELF in you which will draw others to Himself.

 I say this everyday, that I remember: “Jesus, I pray YOUR WORK will be done in me and through me for Your Glory and Your Kingdom, according to YOUR PLAN for me.. Your Will be done, My Lord, not mine.” I have just surrendered my will and my day to Jesus; then I TRUST Jesus will get me where I need to be in HIS Plan. I Rest in Jesus. (Hebrews 4) Jesus can handle me. Jesus is the Light Yoke of GRACE! The New Covenant of GRACE! Jesus does it ALL. This is why it is ALL Glory to Jesus Christ! NOT most of the glory to Jesus and some to me.

 You must understand that we are no longer under the Old Covenant Law, but under the New Covenant of Grace, for 2000 years now, ever since Jesus died for every man's every sin on the Cross and ascended to God's throne in Heaven. WE DO NOT PERFORM FOR JESUS. Jesus does HIS WORK IN US and THROUGH US. Outside activities cannot change your heart, only Jesus can change your heart. Jesus transforms us from the inside out as we spend time alone with Him in His Word.

 Here are some VERY IMPORTANT VERSES for you to BELIEVE and RECEIVE into your heart and hold dear in your heart and mind. Once you give your life to Jesus for Him to use for the purpose that HE PLANNED for you, these verses are true for You. Ask Jesus to reveal Himself and His Love for YOU to you. Ask Him to reveal His Truth to you as you read these verses. Then look them up with Jesus revealing Himself to you as you read and RECEIVE Him into your heart. Jesus IS the Word. -----Romans 8:1, Romans 6:14, John 1:16-17, John 17:3, John 6:29, Hebrews 12:2, Philippians 2:13, Philippians 1:6, Ephesians 2:10, John 8:36, 1 John 2:2, 1 John 5:12, 1 John 5:13, Hebrews 4:1, 4:10-11, Hebrews 8:12, Hebrews 10:14, Colossians 2:13-14, -- He who calls you is Faithful, and HE WILL DO IT! (1 Thessalonians 5:24)

 Jesus will transform you and your life slowly, but surely, as you SEEK JESUS FIRST. Jesus IS Grace. All by His Grace, His Unearned and Undeserved Favor, Jesus will do HIS WORK IN YOU AND THROUGH YOU ACCORDING TO HIS PLAN FOR YOU. JESUS IS OUR SABBATH REST FROM OUR WORKS! "Therefore, since the promise of ENTERING HIS REST still remains, let us FEAR lest any of you be found to have failed to reach it." "For anyone who enters God's Rest, also, RESTS FROM HIS WORKS, just as God did from His. LET US LABOR, THEREFORE, TO ENTER INTO THAT REST so that no one falls by the same sort of Disobedience (as the Jews who tried to earn salvation and blessings BY THEIR OWN SELF-EFFORTS)." (Hebrews 4:1,10,11)

 Once you have given Jesus your entire life for Him to use for HIS PLAN for you, Jesus takes away ALL your sins; your past, your present, and your future sins! Yes, ALL! This is the Good News! This is the Gospel! God the Son Jesus and God the Father forgive you of ALL your sins and remember them no more. “I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds, I WILL REMEMBER NO MORE!” (Hebrews 8:12)

 Jesus gives you the GIFT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, HOLINESS, and ETERNAL LIFE. (Romans 5:17, Romans 6:23, Hebrews 10:10) You are NO LONGER A SINNER, you are a SAINT, a Holy one, a son of God. Christ lives in you and you live in Christ. In God our Father's eyes, you are Righteous and Holy, now and forevermore; forever because you have RECEIVED His Beloved Son Jesus as LORD OF YOU LIFE and your Savior! This is the Father's Will, that you receive Jesus as YOUR LORD and His FREE GIFT OF SALVATION.

 satan will use anyone he can to tell you something different! Do not listen to 'any other gospel'! (Galatians 1:6-8)

 You have become a son of Obedience because you have given your life to God's Beloved Son to Run! Obedience means “Running to the Sayer” and “To Sit Under”. You are no longer in the Kingdom of Darkness, but are in the Kingdom of Jesus' Marvelous Light forevermore! Your spirit is as holy as Jesus is. "Herein is (God's) Love perfected in us, that we may HAVE BOLDNESS IN THE DAY OF JUDGMENT, because AS (Holy as) HE (Jesus) IS, SO ARE WE IN THIS WORLD." (1 John 4:17)

 satan wants to keep you under the Old Covenant Law of Sin and Death and try to accuse you of your sins THAT JESUS HAS ALREADY PAID FOR! satan is the Accuser of the Brethren. Do not listen to satan! Jesus has SET US FREE from the Old Covenant Law! We are under His New Covenant of GRACE. Jesus remembers ALL your sins NO MORE! Do not BELIEVE anything different! NOT EVER!

 It is KNOWING, BELIEVING, AND ALWAYS REMEMBERING that you are, now and forevermore, RIGHTEOUS, a Holy Saint of Jesus Christ, that will give you the Holy Spirit Power to Walk like a Saint! “ a man believes in his heart, is he.” (Proverbs 23:7) A BELIEVER BELIEVES IN ALL THAT JESUS HAS DONE FOR YOU ON THE CROSS!

 Jesus will transform you with His Love for YOU PERSONALLY. He will make your heart overflow with His unconditional Agape Love for YOU. He will transform you into exactly what He created you to be; only Jesus can change us from the inside out! Jesus is the Master. The Master will make you into His Masterpiece. Always remember, YOU are Jesus Christ's Beloved.

 Jesus will transform you from the inside out, as Only Jesus can change us! Jesus will transform you from one Glorious Revelation of Himself to you to the next Glorious Revelation of Himself to you, as you BEHOLD HIM. (2 Corinthians 3:18) Seek Jesus First, then HE will give you your Abundant Life in Him. Jesus will fulfill the desires of your heart when you SEEK JESUS FIRST. The Foundation of your entire life is Your PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS. The more you KNOW JESUS, the better you and your life are! You and Jesus Alone Together in His Word... Perfect! Amen.

 SINNER'S PRAYER: (Jesus will know if you mean this from your Heart)

 "God the Son Jesus Christ, I admit that I am a Sinner. I REPENT of being my Own Lord, running my life, and sinning against you. I GIVE YOU MY LIFE, JESUS, for you to use for WHATEVER YOUR PLAN IS for my life. Jesus, please be LORD of my life from now on; and my Savior. Jesus, I believe that you died on the Cross for all my sins; my past, present, and future sins. Thank you for paying for all my sins with Your Blood. Jesus, PLEASE RUN MY LIFE FROM NOW ON. Jesus, please BE MY LORD AND SAVE ME, NOW. Amen.”

 EACH DAY, THAT I REMEMBER, I SAY TO JESUS: "Jesus, YOUR WORK be done in me and YOUR WORK be done through me, for YOUR GLORY, for YOUR KINGDOM, and for YOUR GOOD PLEASURE, according to YOUR PLAN for my life." Then I watch Jesus RUN MY DAY, perfectly. I TRUST IN JESUS, that Jesus is POWERFUL ENOUGH to get me where I need to be and when. Jesus handles it all, once Jesus is LORD.

 (Philippians 2:13, Ephesians 2:10, Isaiah 46:9-11, Hebrews 4:1, 9-11, Philippians 1:6)

By - Debbie Newberry

1 comment:

siny said...

hello Roy

how are you, nice post.