Sunday, March 23, 2008

I Am He Who Lives

He is not here, but is risen!
(Luke 24:6)

Beloved! The Almighty God Who says, “I Am Who I Am”, Who is Immortal (1 Timothy 6:16) manifested Himself as Jesus Christ in this world to save mankind from sin. In His thirty three and half years of life on earth, He changed the history of mankind. He confirmed His word with signs and wonders. He delivered those who were bound by oppression and healed the sick. He is alive today and heals the sick and delivers those who are in oppression. He is alive today because He conquered death and is risen (Luke 24:6). He is seated in power and authority.

The Lord promises you saying, “I am with you always, to the very end of the age"(Matthew 28:20).

Many years ago, the wife of a servant of God was conceived with child. Soon she was admitted for delivery in a hospital. Doctors and nurses after attending on her left for home early as it was Easter the next day. But in the midnight she developed labour pains and called out for the staff. But unfortunately there was no one at hand! All of a sudden the head nurse entered in, opening the door! She helped her to deliver the baby without much difficulty. She then attended on the mother and baby and left. The next morning, when the hospital head nurse came to attend on her, she was surprised as how she delivered the baby. She was even more surprised to know from the mother that she (the head nurse) had helped her deliver the baby. The head nurse told her that she had gone home for Easter and was reporting for work that morning. They soon realised that it was the Lord Who had helped her deliver the child!

Beloved! Are you in tears or agony? Do not be disheartened! God Who resurrected Jesus Christ to life from the dead, will also resurrect your circumstances to joy and peace. Lord Jesus will be with you to the end and guide you in life.


Loving Lord Jesus,

My heart overwhelms with joy that You have conquered death and are alive forevermore! I praise and thank You for redeeming me from sin. Let Your resurrection power flow into everything that concerns me bringing to life which is dormant. Fill me with Your resurrection power and let everything I lay my hands on come to life. I give You all glory, honour and praise.


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