Admitted to a private hospital here following heart and kidney ailments, 74-year-old Dhinakaran died around 6.30 am. According to relatives, all his close family members were with him when he passed away.
Chief Minister M Karunandhi was among those who went to Dhinakaran’s house to pay last respects. Professing “deep shock” at the missionary’s death, he recalled how lakhs used to throng to his meetings to hear him speak.
“Today, he has departed leaving all those people in tears,” the Chief Minister said.
When Dhinakaran started the Jesus Calls Ministry, it was a one-man outfit. But it gradually grew and drew followers from across the world, “irrespective of their caste, creed, race or language”.
According to the website, Dhinakaran has “healed” people with illness and revealed the past, present and future of followers.
The mortal remains of the evangelist would be kept for public homage at the Royapettah YMCA grounds in the city and the funeral services would be held on the same premises at 10 am on February 22, said David Emmanuel Raj, press co-ordinator of the Jesus Calls Ministry.

Bro.DGS( Duraisamy Geoffery Samuel Dhinakaran )was born on July 1, 1935, in a village called Surandai of Tirunelveli in South Tamil Nadu, India. He was an obedient son his parents, and his parents were very fond of him, being their only child.
His father Duraisamy was a school teacher. He loved to wear white at all times. Bro.Dhinakaran fondly remembers those unforgettable days when he would be playing in the soil as his dad returns back from the school after a tiresome day of teaching. He recollects the love with which his father would hug him unmindful of the dirt all over his body and unmindful of his clothes getting spoilt.
His mother Hepsibah was a housewife. She used to take great care of him, though she was an epileptic patient. Bro.Dhinakaran often remembers the agony that she used to undergo as she would be tormented by the fits which left her only at her old age when the Lord graciously touched and healed her with His miraculous hand.In the year 1955, Bro. Dhinakaran's life was heading on to a point of no return. The pressures that were upon him at that point of time was too much for him to handle. He had to provide for a sick mother, find ways through closed doors for an employment opportunity and above all, his studies were heading nowhere. He took a look at his life and decided that these problems have no solution and that there would be no light at the end of the tunnel. Suicide seemed to be the only solution.
On February 11, 1955, after taking a long last loving glimpse of his beloved mother, knowing that he would see her no more, he walked towards the railway track so that the oncoming express train should take away his life and crush him beyond identification.
En-route to the track, he ran into his uncle, a Police Officer, through whom the Lord spoke in a way that would change his very outlook on life. He explained the immeasurable love and compassion of the Lord Jesus Christ, of His supreme sacrifice on the cross, and he pointed out to that the Lord Jesus was the only solution there ever was and is, to any problem that a man would be having or would ever have to face in future.
Bro. Dhinakaran asked him three simple questions:
"Can God heal my mother?
Can He help me in my studies?
Can he help me find a job?"
His uncle gave a "Yes" to all of these questions.
Then he sincerely asked him, "what should I do?"
All he said was to kneel and cry out to the Lord Jesus.
He returned home, and quickly entered his room, shut the door, dropped on to his knees and cried out to the Lord. The Lord, in His mercy, descended and revealed to him, as in a movie, the life that he had led for the past 20 years.
Tears welled up in his eyes and he began to cry uncontrollably. Then he begged the Lord for forgiveness and pleaded with Him for a cleansing. He asked Jesus to take charge of his life.
From that moment, his life spun around. Every night, Lord Jesus would come down and sit beside him and help him with his lessons; The Lord Himself would write his exams and gain him success. He granted an employment opportunity with the State Bank of India, India's largest banking network.
Thus, that one encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ had turned his life that was heading on to suicide towards a greatly successful one. Ever since Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran surrendered his life to our gracious Lord Jesus on February 11, 1955, he begins each day reading several chapters from the Bible and meditating upon them. Whenever he reads the miracles recorded in the Bible, he prays that he should also be granted the divine power that was manifest in Jesus. He is encouraged in this by the following verse:
"How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him." (Acts 10:38)
On October 9, 1962, he tarried at the feet of the Lord Jesus in prayer till midnight. He pleaded persistently: "Lord! Hear my prayer and now grant me Your power! Or else, slay me! I don't want to live as a powerless and phony Christian!".
Next day dawned. October 10, 1962!
After exacting work in the bank, he returned home at 9.30 in the night. After supper, he joined the family prayer. There arose in him the usual longing for the blessed vision of Jesus. The very next moment, a divine Presence descended on him! He was thrown into an ecstasy of joy. As he wondered from where this flood of joy was overflowing into him, the Lord opened his spiritual eyes. He saw a divine form standing before him with a radiant face, addressing him with a smile.
"My beloved son, I am Christ! Because you have been seeking Me diligently, I have come seeking you, to bless you."
That day, his seven years of longing was rewarded. He received the anointing of the Holy Spirit by which he set forth to fulfill the divine commission that he received from Christ.
Having received the fire in him, he passes on the fire to all those who wish to do the Lord's work by conducting the Institute of Power Ministry, which was instituted according to the Lord's will for this purpose.
Chief Minister M Karunandhi was among those who went to Dhinakaran’s house to pay last respects. Professing “deep shock” at the missionary’s death, he recalled how lakhs used to throng to his meetings to hear him speak.
“Today, he has departed leaving all those people in tears,” the Chief Minister said.
When Dhinakaran started the Jesus Calls Ministry, it was a one-man outfit. But it gradually grew and drew followers from across the world, “irrespective of their caste, creed, race or language”.
According to the website, Dhinakaran has “healed” people with illness and revealed the past, present and future of followers.
The mortal remains of the evangelist would be kept for public homage at the Royapettah YMCA grounds in the city and the funeral services would be held on the same premises at 10 am on February 22, said David Emmanuel Raj, press co-ordinator of the Jesus Calls Ministry.

Bro.DGS( Duraisamy Geoffery Samuel Dhinakaran )was born on July 1, 1935, in a village called Surandai of Tirunelveli in South Tamil Nadu, India. He was an obedient son his parents, and his parents were very fond of him, being their only child.
His father Duraisamy was a school teacher. He loved to wear white at all times. Bro.Dhinakaran fondly remembers those unforgettable days when he would be playing in the soil as his dad returns back from the school after a tiresome day of teaching. He recollects the love with which his father would hug him unmindful of the dirt all over his body and unmindful of his clothes getting spoilt.
His mother Hepsibah was a housewife. She used to take great care of him, though she was an epileptic patient. Bro.Dhinakaran often remembers the agony that she used to undergo as she would be tormented by the fits which left her only at her old age when the Lord graciously touched and healed her with His miraculous hand.In the year 1955, Bro. Dhinakaran's life was heading on to a point of no return. The pressures that were upon him at that point of time was too much for him to handle. He had to provide for a sick mother, find ways through closed doors for an employment opportunity and above all, his studies were heading nowhere. He took a look at his life and decided that these problems have no solution and that there would be no light at the end of the tunnel. Suicide seemed to be the only solution.
On February 11, 1955, after taking a long last loving glimpse of his beloved mother, knowing that he would see her no more, he walked towards the railway track so that the oncoming express train should take away his life and crush him beyond identification.
En-route to the track, he ran into his uncle, a Police Officer, through whom the Lord spoke in a way that would change his very outlook on life. He explained the immeasurable love and compassion of the Lord Jesus Christ, of His supreme sacrifice on the cross, and he pointed out to that the Lord Jesus was the only solution there ever was and is, to any problem that a man would be having or would ever have to face in future.
Bro. Dhinakaran asked him three simple questions:
"Can God heal my mother?
Can He help me in my studies?
Can he help me find a job?"
His uncle gave a "Yes" to all of these questions.
Then he sincerely asked him, "what should I do?"
All he said was to kneel and cry out to the Lord Jesus.
He returned home, and quickly entered his room, shut the door, dropped on to his knees and cried out to the Lord. The Lord, in His mercy, descended and revealed to him, as in a movie, the life that he had led for the past 20 years.
Tears welled up in his eyes and he began to cry uncontrollably. Then he begged the Lord for forgiveness and pleaded with Him for a cleansing. He asked Jesus to take charge of his life.
From that moment, his life spun around. Every night, Lord Jesus would come down and sit beside him and help him with his lessons; The Lord Himself would write his exams and gain him success. He granted an employment opportunity with the State Bank of India, India's largest banking network.
Thus, that one encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ had turned his life that was heading on to suicide towards a greatly successful one. Ever since Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran surrendered his life to our gracious Lord Jesus on February 11, 1955, he begins each day reading several chapters from the Bible and meditating upon them. Whenever he reads the miracles recorded in the Bible, he prays that he should also be granted the divine power that was manifest in Jesus. He is encouraged in this by the following verse:
"How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him." (Acts 10:38)
On October 9, 1962, he tarried at the feet of the Lord Jesus in prayer till midnight. He pleaded persistently: "Lord! Hear my prayer and now grant me Your power! Or else, slay me! I don't want to live as a powerless and phony Christian!".
Next day dawned. October 10, 1962!
After exacting work in the bank, he returned home at 9.30 in the night. After supper, he joined the family prayer. There arose in him the usual longing for the blessed vision of Jesus. The very next moment, a divine Presence descended on him! He was thrown into an ecstasy of joy. As he wondered from where this flood of joy was overflowing into him, the Lord opened his spiritual eyes. He saw a divine form standing before him with a radiant face, addressing him with a smile.
"My beloved son, I am Christ! Because you have been seeking Me diligently, I have come seeking you, to bless you."
That day, his seven years of longing was rewarded. He received the anointing of the Holy Spirit by which he set forth to fulfill the divine commission that he received from Christ.
Having received the fire in him, he passes on the fire to all those who wish to do the Lord's work by conducting the Institute of Power Ministry, which was instituted according to the Lord's will for this purpose.
Bro. Dhinakaran knows the importance of the anointing and is always filled with the Holy Spirit. That is the secret of the power in his ministry.
Now his JESUS CALLS ministry comforts the heart broken souls everyday,
This is the short version of his life story published by SWEETIE_J in www.prayabout.com
hi guy, I enjoyed your post about the great man of Gpod
truly blessed by your life history
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